Cimco Qeshm

CIM products representation in Iran

طراحی سایت
Sep 20 2024.

About US

Cimco Qeshm Company has started it`s activity from 1995 and concentrated on special brands with high quality products under European certifications.

We have a guildline which is: working on high quality products with special services for dear consumers during all these years.[Read More]

Roberto Cimberio, CEO of the company and ambassador of the project at the European Commission tells us about SMARTCIM.


SMARTCIM is a project for the development of a modular, versatile and intelligent system which intervenes in the management and in the control of heating/cooling plants. Intuition, research, and gaze towards technological innovation and international reality allowed us to go from a general idea to a specific design phase. I could say that we imagined an ideal world, and then we worked on make it real.

How was the project born and developed?
The history which has lead us up to here is important. Cimberio is a consolidated industrial business three generations old, but for us it is essential to invest in research and development. We must accept the challenge complexity that the contemporary world makes us face and we must find the answers and the best solutions.
SMARTCIM is the result of a long design research, but not only this: we have changed our perspective, because innovation appears when we change our way of thinking.
Before, we used to think about a single product, now we think in terms of an integrated system, made up of different components which interact with one another. Our valves are made of brass, and I like to think that we have made this really precious material intelligent.

Which environmental benefits can be offered by the system?
SMARTCIM project gives life to a system with a low environmental impact. In fact, optimising the plant functioning, enables significant energy savings.
The benefits are not only economical but have a positive outcome on the environment. Environmental protection is one of the most important challenges of the twenty-first century. Don’t forget that to be future oriented means to think about the world we will leave behind for our children.

What kind of response has the project obtained so far?
Thanks to the new ideas, the investments and to the experience shown, we obtained a funding by the European Commission, through the Horizon 2020 Programme, which supports and promotes technological research designed to make the energetic systems more efficient, in terms of savings and emissions. Thousands of European companies acceded to our same notice of competition, fourty-two were selected. The Italian companies funded are six.
This result, not only confirms the SMARTCIM project viability, but allows us to conduct the technical and production development of the system, transforming into a tangible reality the ideal world that we had imagined.

News & Article

  • Jul 29

    The future is leadless ... and Cimvalveco knows it!

    Friday, June 09, 2017

    The future is leadless ... and Cimvalveco knows it!

    "CimvalvEco" is the new leadless valve range by Cimberio for the plumbing and heating sector.

    Copper-zinc alloys used for this type of ball valves are certified "No-Lead" and feature outstanding resistance to dezincification corrosion and stress breaks. These are valves entering in contact with drinkable water and are used for heating and cooling, water, sanitary fitting, compressed air and domestic use systems.

    Cimberio commits to protect nature and the health of those using its products. For more information on these products, go to the dedicated section of Cimberio’s catalogue.


  • Jul 27

    Paralympics? That is not enough! Cimberio's evento to "overcome indifference"

    Monday, May 29, 2017

    Paralympics? That is not enough! Cimberio's evento to "overcome indifference"

    A message of hope and joy to experience what disabled athletes and artists have performed in front of the numerous audience of the Teatro Nuovo of Borgomanero on Friday 5 May for "Paralimpici? Non basta!", the event hosted by Cimberio for its 60th business anniversary. "People to know and to get known" – as recalled by the event title – were the special guests who told their personal sport and life experiences on stage.

    Among others was Cimberio Handicap Sport, the wheelchair basketball team supported by Cimberio, paralympic athletes who took part to the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, scoring 33 titles as world champions and 17 Olympic medals, plus various sport associations active on the territory of Novara and VCO, not to mention artists, dancers and painters. 


    Characters that in a direct and bold way have led the audience into a world of determination and strong will, virtues required to overcome obstacles and architectural barriers along the road to success: a lesson for all on how to face and defeat the difficulties of life.

    Roberto Cimberio, the company Managing Director, expressed great satisfaction about the importance of such events: "An exciting and unrepeatable night. I guess these are the only words that can describe what happened here and I strongly believe that good things have to be shared. In a time characterized by social divisions and walls, we wanted to do something different and go against the flow: knock down the walls of indifference by opening a window on a new world, filled with values and love for life. I dream it will never close again.

    We struggle to make these words live in our minds and hearts, and wish they will be reflected in small but important daily gestures. Loving life and having it loved by others should be everybody’s mission. I hope the seeds we sowed will find fertile soils to grow and give fruits. Fruits that may turn our territory into a place rich of opportunities".
    Contributions and official pictures of the event are now available on Facebook “Paralimpici? Non basta!”.

  • Apr 29

    Roberto Cimberio talks about himself on "RotaryNoi" Magazine

    Roberto Cimberio talks about himself on "RotaryNoi" Magazine

    Who is Roberto Cimberio? The entrepreneur talks about his social vision to the “RotaryNOI” territory magazine and helps to understand how man’s values enhance the development of an “excellence” economy, ethics and sustainability.

    The magazine published by the Rotary Club Orta San Giulio – Rotary International is the most ancient Service Club in the world – met Roberto Cimberio to discuss leadership and concepts such as common wealth and commitment to others. Cimberio Managing Director talked about himself in a clear manner, showing how the company approach and vision are based on his same values: direct altruism and commitment, both for business strategies and joint interventions. This is the only way for a company to define itself as ethic with a “soul”.

    He also expressed his strong connection with the territory and the will to never forget his origins, shown by the Italian style and quality of their products, but still exploring beyond with curiosity, an open-minded and innovative spirit.

    The everlasting desire to learn and experiment makes the work environment productive and it is what has enabled Cimberio to expand its horizons to become a “world citizen”. With the curiosity, strength and will typical of newly born companies, but with the knowledge and experience gained in more than a century, Cimberio can be defined as a “60-year old start-up”! 

  • Apr 29

    Cimberio in ISH Frankfurt 2017 with SmartCim


    Cimberio in ISH Frankfurt 2017 with SmartCim

    Cimberio attended the ISH international exhibition in Frankfurt. The event is a point of reference for thermo technic, air-conditioning and renewable source operators and users and attracts the best manufacturers and technologies to present their innovations to the international public.

    Hundreds of guests have already visited Cimberio Stand to get to know the “SmartCim” cutting-edge integrated system. The project is winning consent by international partners and clients thanks to its innovative mission: restore old and energy-consuming systems, making them qualitatively performing as new generation ones.

    A project proudly presented by Cimberio not only for the technologic innovation of the system, but also for its wider purpose which aims at limiting the environment impact and leave a better environment and future to the next generations.

    Your feedback is always very important for us and all your requests have been already answered.

    It has been a great pleasure meeting all of you. Again, thank you for your time and consideration.

    For more details on SmartCim, visit our dedicated website 


  • Oct 07

    Mr. Roberto Cimberio Message about SmartCim

    Mr. Roberto Cimberio Message about SmartCim

    Thank you dear friends!

    Last Wednesday in Andøya, in Northern Norway, the first SmartCim prototype has been switched on.

    The event was a major success and we are happy that many people have followed us. The streaming link we prepared seemed almost exaggerated but, instead, the number of clients, partners and friends that have participated to this moment, so significant for us, was  really higher than expected. We apologize for the inconvenience if someone had visualisation problems.

    Working in a hostile environment, 400 km North of the Arctic Circle, was a real but exciting challenge, because it is a location with singular characteristics to test our technology under extreme conditions.

    The Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, has kept the promise he made during his visit to the Company in July, and therefore he connected from Rome to switch on the heating system of the Norwegian Space Center on which SmartCim is installed.
    In his speech, the Italian Premier said that in our factory he saw the future.
    We are pleased for this recognition, because our mission is to create a sustainable and high quality future, with the aim to leave a better planet behind than the one we found.

    The first prototype of SmartCim is working very well.
    The system started to optimize the consumption of the  Andøya plant to achieve the 30% sparing predicted in the laboratory tests.
    In the coldest months, it will be able to give the best of itself, thanks to a management flexibility and capillarity never reached before with other technologies.

    Thanks again for the enthusiasm you have shown us!
    In some weeks you will discover the next step of the SmartCim project. It will take us closer to home, still on top of worldwide excellence.

    Best regards
    Roberto Cimberio

    You can follow the project’s evolution on

  • Oct 02

    Performing SmartCim

    Today the first world installation of the SmartCim project took place in live streaming from the Norwegian Space Centre of Andøya, 400 km over the Arctic Circle.

    During a touching ceremony from Palazzo Chigi in Rome, the Premier Matteo Renzi remotely turned on the SmartCim system installed in Andøya, Norway; the system starting from that moment will begin to manage the whole thermal plant, reducing consumptions and optimizing the use of the available resources.

    It is the first revolutionary installation of the SmartCim system, designed by Cimberio SpA and co-financed by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program. SmartCim is an integrated system, one in the world, dedicated to remote monitoring and regulation of thermal plants, it is able to cut down managing costs of the buildings by optimizing the plant’s performance and to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere without having to do intrusive work on the existing infrastructures.

    With a touching ceremony from Palazzo Chigi in Rome, today the Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, has remotely turned on the new heating system of the National Norwegian Space Centre in Andøya, 400km over the Arctic Circle.

    “The real challenge for our country is to remember the past and create the future” said President Renzi. “When I visited Cimberio factory, last July, I touched the future. SmartCim is going in this direction. The quality of technological research, innovation and cooperation between Italy and Norway offers the opportunity to save money, to save energy and to give a message of sustainability”.

    This is the first worldwide installation of an innovative technological system which allows significant energy savings (30% savings), repurposing most of the existing infrastructure, without invasive interventions. This remarkable achievement is obtained without restructuring and suspending activities, therefore offering an additional significant saving in terms of money and time.

    “Energy saving is very important for us. We are very honoured to host the first installation of SmartCim” said Roger Enoksen, director of the Norwegian Space Centre. “This project is a new step, not only for our Center but also for cooperation relationships between Italy and Norway”.

    “This day is unique” added Giorgio Novello, the Italian Ambassador in Norway, who took part in the event, “because it embodies the perfect partnership between our two countries, able to join Italian creativity and Norwegian liability”.

    It is a very innovative system which allows to modernize existing plants by improving their effectiveness, reducing the energy and management costs, increasing the intelligence of the entire system which can be remotely monitored in each individual element.

    It is no coincidence that such a remote area of the planet, cold and inaccessible, was chosen for the first installation since it allowed to deal with a challenging situation and extreme conditions.

    The identified structure was in need of an energy retrofitting intervention for efficiency and cost savings, and there was also the desire to accurately quantify the energy optimization parameters. After its deployment, the electronic control system will start to process the data and sophisticated components will interpret them, reformulating their action in order to obtain an optimum balance of energy flows according to the demands of the system, thereby increasing the overall intelligence of the system during its use.

    Worldwide there are more than 5.4 million buildings with excessively large energy consumptions which need optimization in order to reduce costs and meet regulatory and environmental requirements of the modern world.

    The SmartCim project has particular relevance in this market and meets the objectives of the European Community to the point of bringing the Commission itself to invest 1.6 million euros through the Horizon 2020 program (G.A. No. 684086).

    “With the innovations introduced by SmartCim project, it will no longer be necessary to restructure existing plants by destroying and then replacing them,” said Roberto Cimberio, CEO of Cimberio S.p.A. “The goal of this project is to preserve existing plants, improving them with a significant reduction of energy costs (retrofitting) without interrupting the activities which take place inside these buildings.”

     “SmartCim is not only a project designed to save money, but also and above all to use the energy in the most efficient way” concluded Roberto Cimberio. “This project is starting with the blessing from the stars. We are in Norway, in a space centre, and two evenings ago we had the rare opportunity to see the aurora borealis”.

    A weather balloon branded SmartCim has been released in the Andøya sky, bringing a symbolic message about the importance of scientific research in the energy field and the positive impact that it will have on the environment.

  • Oct 01

    What is SmartCim?

    Roberto Cimberio, CEO of the company and ambassador of the project at the European Commission tells us about SMARTCIM.


    What is SMARTCIM?
    SMARTCIM is a project for the development of a modular, versatile and intelligent system which intervenes in the management and in the control of heating/cooling plants. Intuition, research, and gaze towards technological innovation and international reality allowed us to go from a general idea to a specific design phase. I could say that we imagined an ideal world, and then we worked on make it real.

    How was the project born and developed?
    The history which has lead us up to here is important. Cimberio is a consolidated industrial business three generations old, but for us it is essential to invest in research and development. We must accept the challenge complexity that the contemporary world makes us face and we must find the answers and the best solutions.
    SMARTCIM is the result of a long design research, but not only this: we have changed our perspective, because innovation appears when we change our way of thinking.
    Before, we used to think about a single product, now we think in terms of an integrated system, made up of different components which interact with one another. Our valves are made of brass, and I like to think that we have made this really precious material intelligent.

    Which environmental benefits can be offered by the system?
    SMARTCIM project gives life to a system with a low environmental impact. In fact, optimising the plant functioning, enables significant energy savings.
    The benefits are not only economical but have a positive outcome on the environment. Environmental protection is one of the most important challenges of the twenty-first century. Don’t forget that to be future oriented means to think about the world we will leave behind for our children.

    What kind of response has the project obtained so far?
    Thanks to the new ideas, the investments and to the experience shown, we obtained a funding by the European Commission, through the Horizon 2020 Programme, which supports and promotes technological research designed to make the energetic systems more efficient, in terms of savings and emissions. Thousands of European companies acceded to our same notice of competition, fourty-two were selected. The Italian companies funded are six.
    This result, not only confirms the SMARTCIM project viability, but allows us to conduct the technical and production development of the system, transforming into a tangible reality the ideal world that we had imagined.





Address : Iren, Tehran, Postal code: 19395 - 7371